Here is a picture of the court date for the scrapbook!
We heard last week from the Shriners Hospital in Chicago. Ella has a surgery date! I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about it. Of course, she NEEDS the surgery, but I am feeling very anxious and down right terrified. Now I have until August 21st to stress about it. I should be pretty well freaked out by the time we get to Chicago. I'll bet Ella will be stronger than I will. She'll probably do great! I'm still nervous though.
Here are some pictures that we took at my sister's house. Ella thought the trampoline was just too cool. I on the other hand was a little FREAKED out! More so when the boys got on the trampoline and started doing FLIPS! I thought for sure there was an Emergeny Room visit coming!!!

The girls found out how to use the water canons REALLY quickly! Needless to say, it was a squishy ride home for the girls AND the boys!!