Ella's surgery has been scheduled and although it was much later than we were hoping for, it's good to at least have it on paper. It's been scheduled for August 21st. I, of course am terrified. I'm not worried too much about the surgery itself, but more for the recovery. I'm scared I won't know how to take care of her. She will be completely miserable not being able to eat everything. She loves food so much that I think that will be the hardest part of her recovery.
My involvement with the color guard team at the high school continues to eat up a lot of my "spare time", but I'm really having fun. The girls like to go with me every once in a while and twirl around the flag I made them (just their size). I hope they get into it when they get older. That would be really fun. I am enjoying having Jake a part of the team (and he's really getting good!!). I also have the opportunity to get to know Adam's girlfriend since she is also on the team. It's fun and it's certainly giving me a workout!!
We are in countdown mode for Adam leaving for Marine Boot Camp. I won't lie, I'm not doing so great with it. I feel like I have this apple in my throat and a huge rock in my stomach. I've been trying to busy myself getting ready for his going away party this weekend, but there has still been episodes of intermitten tears. It's hard for me to let him go. He and I have been through so much in our lives. I simply don't know what I will do without him. I know it's not like I won't ever see him again. I know this. It's just the fact that he won't BE there anymore. I will walk into his room and he just won't be there. That is the hardest part for me right now. I'm happy that he is taking this next step into his adult life, but there is so much of me that doesn't want him to leave. Canaan is already foaming at the mouth about getting Adam's room. It's actually kind of funny. I've already told him he is not moving into Adam's room the day after he leaves, that he will be waiting a while. I need time to process this whole thing in my head. Although he may not fully understand, he at least agreed with me.
What else. Hmmm. Oh, Canaan actually passed summer school and gets to go on to high school next year. One less thing to worry about. For a while there, we didn't think it was going to happen.
Here are some pictures from recent.
Ballerina Girls (again)
Canaan with his mei meis (little sisters)
My Graduate (sob)
Adam and his Sweetie (don't they look cute together??)