Well, Ella's mouth continues to improve. The hole that appeared on the side of her palate seems to have closed back up (hopefully for good). All of the tissue that was used to fill in the hole in the center of her palate has fallen out, but it doesn't look like it's a total loss. The donor tissue pulled her own tissue towards the center and it looks like it may have been enough to close it. I saw a small hole towards the front of her palate, but the surgeons that saw her today (in Chicago) said the surgery was a success. (Either they didn't see the hole I saw or the hole has since closed over!) Now on to speech therapy!
Ella is SO glad to be able to eat normal things again. Mary has been SUPER jealous that Ella has been allowed to eat ice cream, pudding and jello for dinner!
Every time I have written the date today, I kept thinking there was some significance to this day but just couldn’t remember what it was. It just hit me! It was one year ago today that we received the call telling us that there was “a little girl that needed a new Mama and Baba”. One year ago today I first saw the face the beautiful angel who was destined to be my daughter. It could not have been a more perfect match for our family. I will never forget that phone call and how my life changed so much the instant I saw Ella's sweet face. She has changed so much in the nine months she has been home. I swear her personality GROWS with each day that passes. She is energetic, vibrant, happy, fascinating, inquisitive and loving.
Here is her referral picture (the first time I saw my beautiful daughter's face)

And here is Ella just last weekend
She is amazing, isn't she?