

Yesterday the county court validated Ella's adoption. (It was also exactly six months ago that Ella was placed in our arms!!) I think this is the last piece needed to complete her adoption. They are sending off for her birth certificate so looks like we are done! Yeah! It's amazing how much paperwork can come from one little girl! We saw the same judge as we did when we had Mary's adoption validated. He had Mary come up to his desk and find the picture that was taken on her court date. He commented how much she's grown. It was sweet. He said when we "return with our third adoption" that he would make Ella find her picture. Huh???
Here is a picture of the court date for the scrapbook!

We heard last week from the Shriners Hospital in Chicago. Ella has a surgery date! I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about it. Of course, she NEEDS the surgery, but I am feeling very anxious and down right terrified. Now I have until August 21st to stress about it. I should be pretty well freaked out by the time we get to Chicago. I'll bet Ella will be stronger than I will. She'll probably do great! I'm still nervous though.

Here are some pictures that we took at my sister's house. Ella thought the trampoline was just too cool. I on the other hand was a little FREAKED out! More so when the boys got on the trampoline and started doing FLIPS! I thought for sure there was an Emergeny Room visit coming!!!

The girls found out how to use the water canons REALLY quickly! Needless to say, it was a squishy ride home for the girls AND the boys!!

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