
The worst case reality

Ella has been slowly recovering from her surgery and was actually doing well, until last Saturday. She was super fussy while we were over at a friends picking vegetables. Completely unconsolable. When we got home, I gave her some tylenol and looked at her mouth. It had been bleeding some and a fissure now appeared in her palate, not where the hole use to be, but right next to the teeth line. It almost looks like it split open along where it was originally repaired (in China). Darn it! I started feeding her some soup and one of the times she opened her mouth to get another bite, I noticed something hanging down from her palate. Oh no! Oh, yes. It was a piece of the donor tissue that the surgeon had used to close the hole. I had her take her tongue and gently push it back up, but sometime during her nap it looks like it came out completely and she swallowed it.

I called the hospital and left message for the on-call surgeon. I didn't know what to do. I've never done this before! I had no idea what to expect. When he called back, he confirmed what I feared. The surgery was failing and there was nothing that we could do about it. I felt so bad for Ella. I can't believe we just went through that difficult surgery for nothing. The reality was that she was going to need the surgery again. Sigh. This isn't fair. I can't help but think "Hasn't she been through enough???". I'm so sad for her.

We received a message from the surgeon that actually did her surgery on Tuesday. He instructed us to leave the arm restraints on and keep her on the liquid diet through the 14 day mark. Yes, it's hard for little Ella to do anything and she is so tired of soup and applesauce, but with her mouth in flux right now, it's best. It stopped bleeding by Tuesday and was actually looking pretty good. Unfortunately this morning she spit out another huge piece of tissue. As the stitches disolve, the tissue is just falling right out. There is still a piece of tissue up where the hole was, but at this point I'm not expecting it to stay. The donor tissue just didn't adhere to her tissue. We are going to have to start over. Poor Ella. She's been through so much in her three short years. She deserves a break.

Here is a picture of her palate on Monday (before the second part of the tissue came out. You can see the fissure on the right side by her teeth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful child. god has a plan fo r you and her . he is going to see her and you through this bump in the road. get well beatiful girl. monique

we are in the process of adopting a child from korea. check out my blog waiting for zhen