Ella is doing wonderfully. She is so easy going and relaxed with our family most of the time. She is such a character and loves the attention she is getting. She absolutely LOVES food. Any food. She eats like it's going out of style (still a little hording, like we are going to take it away or something) and is not very picky about what goes in her mouth! She fits in with her teenage brothers SO well!!! She loves the Korean noodle bowls (like ramens) and can eat an entire can of mixed fruit in under two minutes! All this eating is also putting some weight on her bones. She is up to 24 lbs and LOOKS much healthier! (No more ribs showing!)
Her personality continues to come through more and more every day. She is so fun to just be around! She giggles and smiles and you cannot help but smile along with her. She only whines when she's tired or when she gets frustrated with communication.
She is getting more comfortable with the animals in the house. The cats more than the dogs as the dogs make so much noise. At least it doesn't startle her as much as they use to. The dogs think she is great because she sneaks them little bites from her plate! Ha! We are on to her now!! One of the cats has been spotted several times SLEEPING with Ella!
Ella and Mary have good days and they have bad days. Mary is still very jealous of Ella and is starting to act up more. They BOTH have spent their fair share of time in the corner. When they are having a good day, they play together so nice. It's neat to watch their imaginations in actions. When they are having one of their bad days though, it's screaming fights and biting!! (Ella is a biter! Owie!) Little by little their good days are out numbering their bad ones.
Ella has experienced a little regression in the potty training area. We expected this and are not too worried about it. For the most part, she is a very "clean" girl. She likes to make sure her hands and face are clean and LOVES to brush her teeth. We have also discovered that she is a little bit of a perfectionist. It's fascinating to see her when she gets in one of her neat-freak moods. Shoes have to be not only put away, but lined up with the laces stuffed inside!
Her language is developing, slowly. She gets frustrated sometimes that we can't understand what she is saying. We have learned how to listen harder when she tries to pronounce things. Actually she makes sense if you take into account she cannot say any "hard" sounds like L, T, P, B, S & R.
Ella had her appointment with the specialist last Friday. It actually didn't accomplish much. The doctor was more interested in her ears and wanted to leave her cleft palate to his "collegue". (Her ears are great actually. He said NO signs of fluid! Yeah!) Grr. He DID confirm that she has TWO holes, one larger and one smaller. He wasn't too worried about it and surgery is not something we have to do right away. We have time to bond with our daughter before we throw her into another surgery. We are at least going to get her fitted with an obturator (like a retainer) right away to help her with speech.

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