The transition between sisters is work in progress. Good days are playing princesses and barbies, bad days are cat fights. No, I'm not kidding. It is full out cat fighting completely with biting, scratching, screaming and hair pulling. I have to say that even though it's frustrating, it is also somewhat humuorous.
Ella is growing like a weed on Miracle Grow! Wow I can't believe how much she has grown in just two short months.'s also hard to believe it's already been two months since we met her for the first time. Her language is improving dramatically. There are still things she simply cannot say, but she sure does try. That is kind of the reason we chose not to use sign language with her. She has the ambition to try and I don't want to douse that fire in the slightest.
Ella got her first urgent care trip. She was playing my favorite (insert sarcasm here) game...the Fall Down Game. Canaan was quick to grab her arm and accidentally pulled her arm right out of the socket. We didn't realize what happened right away. She was crying but we figured it was because she didn't get what her big sister got. Wrong. I kept looking in the baby mirror in the car and noticed that she was not moving her right arm and she was fussy...big time. I tried to ask her if she had an owie, but she wouldn't answer me. When I got to the office and tried to take her coat off, I noticed she couldn't even pick her arm up and she wailed in pain. Oh crap. The doctor's office opened at nine so I put an ice pack on her arm and opted to wait versus taking her to the ER. This is only because we had just BEEN to the ER the week before with Canaan and had to dish out a $200 co-pay because HE dislocated his arm (his shoulder anyways). Well, to make a long story short, she dislocated her arm at the elbow and the doctor showed me how to "pop" it back in place since she said it was very common for toddlers to do this. Great!
This weekend has brought us a new challenge. Something is wrong with Ella's lip, right where she had the cleft fixed two years ago. OMG, it's swollen up twice the size! This has all happened in a matter of two or three days, but most of the swelling seems to have happened in the past 12 hours. Eek! I don't know if it's an abscess from her rotty tooth or if there is some kind of growth under her scar. I can feel a "bump" when she LETS me touch it. Sigh.'s off to see the dentist AND the doctor tomorrow.
If I have not said it before I will say it life is certainly never dull.
Here is a picture of Ella's owie. :-( I feel so bad. I hope the doctors can help her tomorrow.
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