Ella loves to sing. She loves music in general, but she LOVES to sing. I figured out that she really likes Trent Tomlinson (country singer). When we play it in the car, she sits in the back seat bellowing at the top of her lungs..."Ya Ya Yaaaaaaa! Ya Ya Yaaaaaaa!" (and several of variations thereof). You can't help but bust out laughing. Her singing makes absolutely NO sense, but she never hesitates to belt it out! She still stops singing long enough when we pass the cows to say 'mornin nows' or 'nite nite nows' and she always knows what time of day it is and what she should say (morning versus night). I keep forgetting, despite her tiny size that she IS three and very aware of her surroundings. Whoa...and she is wicked smart too. Just the other morning, she got up, went in to go potty and didn't "make it" in time (it happens). She then spent about 15 minutes hiding out in the bathroom. We all wondered what on earth she could be doing in there and Canaan finally had to go look. Well, I guess she was embarrassed about her little accident and was holding her panties over the heater vent trying to dry them. Adam made a comment "I don't remember thinking of THAT when I was her age!". She's smart, we will give her that. The boys don't dare hand her their cell phones or mp3 players anymore or else she reprograms their phones, dials numbers, takes pictures (with the phones) or changes all the settings on the music players. I think we are in trouble. We either have a future engineer or a future hacker. EEK!
Mary's black eye is finally better. Boy I got tired of explaining that one to everyone. She looked just awful.
Here are the Ella, Mary & Canaan at the zoo.
Here is Mary's new "outfit". It is SOOOOOO Mary, don't you think?
...and Ella shows off her new sweater. She just couldn't stand Mary getting the spotlight!
Just being sisters (a good day of being "sisters")...
Okay, these require explanation, but I couldn't help but post them. We decided to frost Jake's hair. Once it was rinsed and combed out, it really does look GOOD. These pictures look just plain funny.
1 comment:
love the pic's!
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