We colored eggs the night before and it was interesting. Ella got the hang of it pretty quick. Her Uncle Jon spent most of the time helping her out with the whole process and I think he had as much fun as she did!
The next morning, both girls were squealing with the excitement of finding all of the eggs. There WERE a few minor cat fights over who saw the egg first, but they were quickly diverted by finding other eggs. Thank goodness for a three year old attention span! After breakfast, we began the BIG egg hunt which is done outside (at the grandparents house). The girls got to search for eggs on the deck and in Grandma's garden and the older kids got the rest of the area surrounding the house. The girls had special eggs and little prize slips were for prizes specially for them. Thank goodness! I just don't know how my boys (or their cousins) would have felt about getting a pretty tiara or princess lip gloss! Ha ha ha. Canaan and Jake had fun too, but you can really tell they are getting too old for this. That's such a shame. They are outgrowing the Easter Bunny and that makes me kind of sad. I guess I should be lucky I still have the girls to draw out the old imaginative parts of childhood. At least I have a few more years that I can play Easter Bunny, Santa & The Tooth Fairy. Jake actually had fun helping me hide the colored eggs after the girls went to bed. He was a little bummed that he didn't get to help me with the baskets (I did THOSE while he hid the eggs). It's funny to see him take on this different role with his sisters as apposed to being the one WAITING for the Easter bunny.
Grandma got the girls new Easter dresses so they were very excited to get all dressed up. I tried to get some pictures of them, but ended up deleting more than I kept. They were NOT into photos with all the other commotion going on around them.
Ella has developed another abcess in her lip and is back on antibiotics. Boy, that appointment at the Shriners Hospital cannot come soon enough. I'm very nervous about her impending surgery but I really would like to get it over with. Ella had an initial speech evaluation with the school district and it was decided that she needed to see the speech pathologist for more tests. We knew that she needed help so none of this was a surprise. I'm glad to see that she is going to get the help she needs. Preschool will be good for her for her speech, language development and her social skills.
We bought the girls a swing set for the back yard and after two days of assembling (and several swear words), we all have indearingly named it "The Demon". Man that thing was a bear to put up. The girls watched on the porch as we put it up and I think they asked "Is it done yet" at least a thousand times! Uhg. Once it was done, they got to play on it for about 15 minutes before it started to snow. They were so bummed, but it was so cold at that point that they just simply couldn't stay outside. Since then, they have been able to play on it more and just love it. Both girls squeal with excitement. The swings are the favorite for both of them!
Graduation is rapidly approaching for my eldest son as is his "ship-off" date to boot camp. I'm trying not to think about it too much, but as it grows nearer, its getting harder to ignore it. I'm excited that Adam is moving on with his life, but I am also so terrified that my little boy is leaving. So many mixed feelings. My head is swimming with emotions.
Here are some pictures from recently.
The new swing set is a HIT!
Playing Ballerina
Pretty new Easter Dresses
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